The photo you see above is the photo that 5 Seconds worked on with Blue Eyes, one of his previous dates. He did thoroughly enjoy his date with her and creating this photo; however, this next date was so good that he saw the girl again the very next day. 5 Seconds' pursuit of love is really showing me that it is out there, it's just a matter of good timing and an open mind. Here he goes:
I arrived to pick this beauty up at her place and she was looking stunning. She handed me a box of cookies with a note written on it that read “(Insert My Name), Wishing you the greatest of adventures! May your every wish come true… Especially tonight! xo (Insert Her Name)” It was the most adorable thing anyone has done for me on a first date. I gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek and thanked her for such a thoughtful gesture. In fact, I’m enjoying the last of the cookies as I write this and they are delicious!
We headed out to go skating and I was certainly excited since it has been years since I have played hockey or even been on a pair of skates. Sweets had also mentioned that it had been years for her so we joked about how we could feel awkward together. Conversation was easy with Sweets and I immediately felt comfortable with her; perhaps it was her adorable gesture with the cookies or perhaps a true connection.
We rented some skates and got geared up to see if we could both stay on our feet with two blades under them. Surprisingly we did well and neither of us fell. Within a couple of laps, we were deep in conversation and holding hands while we skated around the rink. We conversed about things that I would normally never talk about on a first date and I knew then and there that Sweets is a very unique woman.
We decided we’d go for a drink before calling it a night so we headed to a local pub near her place. As I continued to get to know her, it was clear that she is a very thoughtful woman and values her friends deeply. These are qualities that are important to me in a potential partner.
We cleared up our tab and I took her back to her place where she invited me up to watch some videos of my old band. I was happy that she took an interest in things I am most passionate about. We called it a night and made plans to get together the next day as we were both free and absolutely stoked on spending more time together.
I picked her up the next afternoon at about 3pm and we headed to Safeway to buy some groceries for dinner and then drove down to a lake in South Calgary for another art piece she was going to help me create. In this piece, the couple is embracing after a crash landing on an uninhabited planet and it will be titled “Always Hope”. She was a good sport and humored me as we headed to the lake. There was a life guard post conveniently nearby which I set the camera on for a good perspective shot of the scene and coupled with the intense sunshine on this beautiful October day, this shot turned out perfectly.
Pleased with the work, we headed back to make dinner. We watched a movie while I marinated our dinner and then got started on the cooking. When dinner was ready, she lit a couple of candles and we sat down to eat. I was impressed that she was creating some romance for us as I am usually the one who takes the lead in this area. It was a great meal and afterward, we had another drink and continued to get to know each other. I had an amazing week end and I don’t think I’ve ever gotten to know someone as quickly as I have with Sweets. We have plans to get together next week and I look forward to getting to know her even better.
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