Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Numb: According to the Dictionary, numbness is referred to as the deprivation of the power to feel or move normally. Numbness can also be emotional unresponsiveness and indifference.

Our lucky bachelor is feeling numb. How could he not be? After so many dates and so many women, it would only be natural for emotions to shut down and to enter into a world where he can feel nothing. Is he trying to protect himself? Is he scared to hurt others? Or is he simply overwhelmed?

I know that after a dozen dates I felt the same way. I couldn't even tell you how disconnected I felt after going on 50. I have never been so emotionally unavailable and distraught as I was after going on 50 dates in 50 days so I know exactly how our bachelor feels. In fact, he said to me, "The oddest thing is that during the first week or so I was overwhelmed with conflicting thoughts and emotions but now it’s like it’s all shut off. I don’t feel anything. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, as I can objectively look at the situation and hopefully find the woman that will be the best fit."

I'm glad that he is staying strong and continuing on with his dates in order to find true love. He had a couple of dates over the past few days and here is what he had to say about them:


The last time I saw this stunning young woman was when I had her help me dismantle a desk and move it into my place. I figured I needed to take her out and show her a good time to make up for having her work. I gave her the nickname Smartypants years ago when we first met. She has a real quick wit to her and isn’t afraid to speak her mind and always has a clever remark to make.

I took her to one of my favorite places to eat where they have the best Ahi Tuna Tacos. We ordered a drink and talked about some of the adventures we had been on in the past. One of our favorite memories was spending a weekend together skydiving and camping. The collective soul concert was a blast as well, and we met Ed Roland after the show in the casino. We have always gotten along perfectly and we always have a blast together.

Conversation is always easy with Smartypants as she brings an interesting perspective to things and it’s always a pleasure spending time with her. The confident manner in the way she carries herself and her stunning good looks always turn heads wherever we are. It was getting late so I took her home and we made plans to see each other on the last Friday of the month. As expected, it was a great night out with Smartypants.



This passionate young woman made the plans and took me out for the night. She earned her nickname for her very energetic nature. When she is talking about something that she loves, it’s hard to not to get caught up in her enthusiasm. The plans were to meet at her friend’s house and since I arrived before Sparky, I introduced myself to her cycling buddy as she invited me in to meet everyone else.

The woman who owned the place asked how I knew Sparky and I told the tale of how we met and mentioned my current dating quest. Immediately, all of the women were interested in what I am doing this month and they began firing questions my way. It is great to see that women have a never-ending interest in dating stories.

Sparky arrived and she presented me with a care package which included dark chocolate, mini-shots, but most importantly a rock. She biked across Canada one summer and when she arrived on the East coast after an 8, 000 km bike ride, she collected 8 rocks from the coast. She gave me one and this is something I will always cherish.

We got deep into conversation, talking about relationships for a great deal of our conversation as well as life in general. She is the only person that understands what it’s like to date this many people in a short period of time and she always has great advice for me to learn from.

After a while we headed out to the bar where we found an empty booth to set up shop. It was then that I learned that the "man's duty" is to stand guard and watch the purses and coats while the women hit the dance floor.

We partied for the night and at last call, Sparky and I walked back to the car. I got in my car and we went our separate ways after a fabulous night out.


In other news, I am not going to make it to Toronto this week end for my 3 dates over there. Nonetheless, I am excited for my next date with Sweets as I have a rather unique idea for a date that will hopefully show her a good time. It’s going to take sometime to prepare but I have some time off this week that will allow me the time to prepare and hopefully sweep her off her feet!

1 comment:

  1. A man's duty is to watch the coats and purses? I do believe that there is a coat-check for that. A woman should not use a man as a storage unit. A sad state of affairs when a song comes on that he likes but he is unable to enjoy himself on the dance floor because he is on guard duty.
