Monday, May 24, 2010

Text Loves to Text Message

Day: 43
Dates Remaining: 5

Okay, so everyone has varying opinions regarding meeting people at the bar but overall, it seems that most of us are sick of it. I have heard people say time and time again that they have only met losers at the bar. I can't say that it's my favourite avenue since a loud, dark space filled with too much booze doesn't really scream quality. However, my friends and I go to the bar and I like to think that we are a lovely bunch so there must be other lovely people at the bar too. It's just tough to fish through everyone there and find them!

Either way, I met someone a few weeks ago at the bar. I can't say that it was love at first sight or even anything remotely close to that but we had a good chat and he asked me for my number. Really, it was the usual protocol for meeting someone at the bar.

He text messaged me the day after we met and that began what I refer to as a text message relationship. I will never understand it, but it's important that I write about it as it seems to be quite a phenomenon.

Text messaging can be quite practical when used properly but to have conversations every day or even multiple times a day about how the day is going and what one another is doing seems like a waste of energy especially when you don't even know the person. I say that this is a phenomenon because it has happened to me on numerous occasions and I know that my friends have experienced it as well.

Anyhow, this man, who we must call Text, wrote me text messages every day for quite some time before finally suggesting dinner. I limited my responses and I think he finally got the picture that I was not interested in an extended text message relationship.

In fact, I once had this happen with another guy in the past which is how I learned my lesson. This was about a year ago when after a week of exchanging a stupid amount of text messages, I finally picked up the phone and called him and left a voice mail. The following day he text messaged me: "Hey, did you call yesterday?" That was when I knew that these text people were another breed. Of course, if he saw my missed call and got my voice email, then DUH, I called. Instead of calling me back, he thought he would text? I didn't get it and needless to say, that was the end of that.

So when Text was starting to follow the same pattern, I had no desire to write him back. I was far more interested in meeting him for dinner to see what he was all about in person and that was what we did tonight.

We had some delicious sushi but sadly, the conversation was not even close to being on par with the tasty food. This man seemed to think that interesting topics to chat about on a first date consist of his boring job, his Dad's bad driving, his sister's flatulence problems and his dog. (I love dogs but can we agree that there is somewhere to draw the line? I really don't need to hear about the shape and smell of my date's dog poop).

Then, the stupid bill came. By now, you know that I can't stand this moment. In fact, I hate it and yes, hate is a powerful word.

The bill sat there and sat there and sat there. We continued pretty ordinary conversation while it sat there. I just don't understand the point of leaving it to sit there endlessly. It's uncomfortable. I didn't know what he wanted to do about the situation but it didn't seem like my place to sort it out especially since he had planned the date.

So I went to the bathroom. Yes, I pulled the infamous bathroom move. I never thought I would resort to this and sink to this level but it was just a little social experiment for you. I returned to the table after an extended bathroom break to find him sitting there chewing his nails. I sat down and he immediately jumped out of his chair to go to the bathroom, leaving me with the unpaid bill. Of course, the server came by to see how we wanted to pay. No no no, I was not being sucked into this. I told her that I had no idea what the plan for the bill was.

Text returned and I suggested that we get going. I made no move to deal with the bill so he finally picked it up and went to pay it at the till at the front. Did he want to treat me? Maybe. Did he have a good time? Perhaps. Was he resentful that I didn't do the wallet reach? I don't know. But I don't think I will ever know because I did not get the vibe that we would ever see each other again.

So here I am with five dates left. How will they unfold? I have no idea! But it is looking to be an exciting week that is starting tomorrow with my date that has been set up by Jack FM!


  1. im thinking condoning Gmail/Instant Messenger conversations and condemning text message conversations is a little...hypocritical no?

  2. I guess you are right, slightly hypocritical, but typing on a computer is far easier and faster than on a phone!!

  3. I've been thinking about this whole bill thing. I think the next time a date (that invites you for a meal)doesn't make the first move towards the bill, that you should pick it up and tell him what his portion of the meal was and pay your own. Obviously some people just don't get it and probably never will. It may mean that you pay your portion, but then you don't end up paying for their portion when they've invited you out.
