Monday, May 31, 2010

And That's That, For Now Anyway

Day: 50
Dates Remaining: 0

Wow. What an adventure. 50 days full of ups and downs. Full of laughs and tears. Full of excitement and exhaustion. But more than anything, full of dates. 50 Dates in 50 Days to be precise; not that I was counting. :)

And tonight, for the final date, I took Easy out on a date. As I mentioned before, he is going to write about this date and e-mail it to me tomorrow so I'll post it here then. I don't want to ruin it for him so I'm not going to spill any details right now.

But what I can say is that this has definitely been a life altering experience. I have met so many wonderful people and had some amazing experiences. So to my 50 dates, thank you for taking me to some great places and teaching me life lessons but also for putting yourselves out there, most of you knowing that you will be written about. That takes courage and for that, I am grateful.

To my readers, I am so happy that you have found this entertaining. Thank you for your ongoing feedback and support. Without you, this would not have been possible.

I feel like I'm writing this like something is ending. But really, this is only the beginning. The 50 days may be over, but the stories have only begun. I have so many lessons and experiences and other funny stories that I have not yet shared. So I plan to keep writing about my dating antics on here. But I am also going to put together the "not quite fit for the blog" feelings and stories from the past 50 days for my book, 50 Dates in 50 Days - Uncut.

And I keep getting asked, "Have you met The One?"

What is The One anyway? Does he really exist? Is there such a thing? Is he actually out there? Whatever The One is and whoever he is, I can't say that I have found him. I'm not sure what will unfold over the next little while but I will keep you in the loop about that as well. So even though my 50 Dates in 50 Days are over, the dating continues and so does the blogging. So stay tuned for the ongoing saga of life as a single woman in Calgary. Good night!

1 comment:

  1. No way, this can't be over. I've so enjoyed your adventures. OMG you must feel simply exhausted. Good for you though on setting, what is truly, a lofty goal and completing it. I'm a bit older than you & again find myself in the dating world. It's quite interesting how your dating experiences in your 20's are really no different than mine in my 40's. Hummmm?! Men?! Thank you for sharing! Here's to love... one day!
