Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Skunk and then some Icing

Day: 11
Dates Remaining: 35

Dating is like a game of poker. How are you going to play your cards? Are you going to be honest or will you bluff? Are you going to take a risk or just fold and walk away?

Speaking of walking away, we live in such a disposable society it's almost sickening. Don't like the phone you've got? Buy a new one. Don't like your car? Hey, you can get a new one of those too. Don't like your spouse, why not get a divorce? Historically, it has never been so easy to do away with something or someone and simply get another one.

A new phenomenon along these lines that I am learning about is this: Don't want to go on a date you planned, text on the last minute and cancel. Who cares, right? You'll never have to see them again anyway. This attitude has about the same level of consideration as a spraying skunk.

So I planned my day today around meeting The Skunk at 5:00. I motored around all day for work in order to make it home with enough time to get organized, get changed and hop on my cruiser bike to pedal to the other side of the city where I was meeting The Skunk. He came from Lavalife and I have to say that I was excited to meet him in person since we share all of the same athletic passions.

I got to one of my favourite coffee shops and looked around to see if I could recognize him based on the photos I had seen on his profile. I was just about to text him to let him know that I was there when my phone went off and I got a message from The Skunk that said, "Got a flat tire on my bike ride. I am currently pushing the bike...have to cancel."

I stupidly gave him the benefit of the doubt and was concerned that he was stranded somewhere with a flat tire so I responded, "I just got here, where are you?" He didn't seem to feel too badly about canceling since all he said was, "I'm in the rain in Canmore."

Unreal, I thought to myself. As if he didn't realize before that instant that he wasn't going to make it? For Pete's sake, he was all the way in Canmore!

I stood there, in the middle of the coffee shop, looking around wondering what on earth gets into some people. Like I said, my day revolved around getting there on time. I rode across the city in my heels to make this date and just like that, he cancels. I was pissed. I replied: "Ah! I wish you would have messaged me earlier!" I knew then that he couldn't have cared less because he only wrote, "Sorry."

I then said, "Did you really only realize now that you weren't going to make it?" but I wasn't surprised to receive no response. Not only does The Skunk stink but he is also a coward who can't even pick up the phone to cancel a plan at the very last minute. I shook it off, got back on my rusty cruiser bike and returned to my neighbourhood to have a coffee before my next date.

This date actually stemmed from an e-mail that I received a few days ago from someone who had heard about 50 Dates in 50 Days on the radio. He had written me to request to take me on a group date tonight. I was unsure about what a group date meant but I was excited about something different so I eagerly agreed.

I arrived at the lovely restaurant and asked the hostess where the group was. Of course, she pointed in the direction of a whole bunch of tables. She was thoroughly confused as to how I couldn't recognize my group of friends. Little did she know that we had never met! You should have seen the look on her face when I asked her to walk me to the table since I had no idea which one she was pointing too. I thought her eye balls were going to pop out of her head. She thought I was a total lunatic! It was fantastic.

My date, let's call him Icing because he was so sweet, got up to shake my hand and introduce me to his friends. In case you were wondering, the official definition of a group date is an evening with your date and four of his friends. This may sound strange but it was actually one of the best nights yet.

Icing was very kind and took an interest in what everyone had to say. His childhood friend was also nice and his three female friends were equally wonderful. I have to say that this is probably the only time where my date could pull off showing up with three beautiful, single women and I would be okay with it!

We enjoyed an evening of good wine, tasty food and great company. Our conversations about dating, single life in Calgary, and other date-related topics kept us all entertained. There wasn't a moment of silence and it was a solid night out.

I'm happy about that since The Skunk had put me in a bit of a rotten mood; however, the good company at my second outing helped to lift my spirits and made me a few new friends!

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