Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I know a Blond McDreamy

Day: 17
Dates Remaining: 30

If you have ever watched Grey's Anatomy (I'm hooked!), you would have seen that Patrick Dempsey has this beautiful wavy hair that contributed to his nickname, McDreamy. Well, it so happens that my date today has the same type of beautiful hair only that it is blond. And so, without a question, my date today just has to be called Blond McDreamy.

But before I get into that, I'm sitting here tonight wondering why timing has to play such an important part in relationships? Why is it so hard to get it right? I used to think that when a guy and a girl met and had feelings for one another, things would just happen. Poof! Just like that, they would be together. Wow, was I ever naive.

So I had a coffee date today with my Blond McDreamy and in case you haven't guessed it, timing has always been off with us. We have known each other for a while but for one reason or another things didn't work out and we never ended up together but he was still keen to be my date today. We had a great time chatting and even discussed our timing issues but only to laugh them off and decide yet again that we are only meant to be friends.

Speaking of being just friends, I talked to Speed Racer today. Being speedy, he expressed his interest in going out with me again, taking me to Edmonton to meet his Mom and having me join him on a week-long cycling trip. He even threw in a joke about us getting married one day. I tell ya, there is a good reason I call him Speed Racer.

Though this was all flattering, I do not want to pursue a relationship with Speed Racer. There, that was just one simple sentence on here but it took me twenty minutes to explain over the phone. This was due to a combination of my less than fantastic communication and Speed Racer's inquisitive nature. Luckily, in the end, Speed Racer took our conversation rather well and we ended it on a pleasant note.

But what was far more pleasant than that conversation was the rest of my evening. To end my rather busy day, I went out for dinner with a friend. He insisted that this was a non-date; however, he paid for dinner. We then stuck around and chatted for so long that we had dinner again. Yes, you've got it, the server brought back the menus and we ordered another meal. I couldn't get enough of it; we sure have big appetites. I was keen to treat for the second dinner but my friend absolutely refused to let me pay and treated me again. What a lovely gesture and a change from being left to pay for meals. Regardless, the whole bill paying theme will always remain a mystery to me but I wanted to express my gratitude for all of the great input I received about this controversial topic.

1 comment:

  1. The Mummy Says:

    This comment comes from your mature mother and I will talk primarily about the"Speed Racer" rendezvous. How immature, inconsiderate and downright disrespectful can you be. Escape to the John after Speedy organized the whole evening's events. I have decided "Speed Racer" needs to sign up for my course in Common Courtesies and then and only then should he reenter the dating scene and that is if he manages to pass the course. In this case I would even go so far as to say that although he left you a belated thank you he does not yet deserve any forgiveness; he has a long way to go to redemption.

    It is refreshing to read about the kinder and more considerate dates.
