Wow, it's been a while since I have written on here. I have certainly thought about various things to write about but something wasn't right. I guess, simply put, I had a serious case of writer's block. Throw heartbreak into the mix and voila, writing got brushed aside. But, fear not, the blog is back and there are a few important things on the go.
First off, I know that a lot of people are wondering what happened to all of the guys. Did I keep in touch with them? Are we still friends?
Evidently, I can't spend my life keeping in touch with the whole world, but I am still friends with a number of them. Trouble was actually a friend from before and though he was nothing but troublesome during the 50 in 50, we still stay in touch and catch up once in a while. Laser Beam and I also keep each other in the loop about what's going on in each others lives. I'm also still friends with Blue Eyes and Butterflies...And then there's Easy. We clicked during the 50 in 50 and have remained good friends ever since.
A few others e-mail and text message me out of the blue but I haven't seen anyone else with the exception of 5 Seconds. If you followed the blog, you would remember him as the date who took me to a +15 for a photo op to capture what a couple would do if it were the end of the world. He used his artistic talents to create the above photo.
Now, this young man is not only talented, generous and kind but he is also very handsome. So ladies, here you have Calgary's next bachelor. He is going to meet 10 women in 30 days, go on a maximum of 3 dates with each one of them and provide me with the stories and perspectives from these experiences to write about on this blog. Oh, and I can't forget to mention, he's looking for true love.
I will write about what went wrong, what was right and everything else in between; all coming straight from the male's perspective. I'll find out what he was thinking, how he reacted and what it is about a woman that makes a man tick.
He is starting this adventure on October 1st and has about half of the dates lined up. So heads up ladies: if you would like to go on a date with this beautiful, smart and witty young man, feel free to e-mail him at 10womenin30days@spatart.com. Otherwise, sit back, relax and enjoy the upcoming insight that you will find here at 50datesin50days.com.
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