As I mentioned in the last post, 5 Seconds is up for a life altering challenge. That's right, he going to date 10 women in 30 days with a maximum of 3 dates per lucky lady. So, essentially, he is likely to be going on 30 dates in 30 days. Is he nervous? Is he up for the challenge? Does he know what he's getting himself into? In life, do we ever know what we are getting ourselves into?
Well, he certainly did not expect to get the positive response that he has. He is starting October first and he has received attention from so many ladies. But here is the catch - he is looking for true love which some may refer to as "the one." This is more than just a dating experiment but a quest for that special connection and lifelong partner. Is it possible? I certainly hope so.
The best part of this for us ladies is that he is going to give us true insight from a man looking for "the one." Yes, these men are out there. In fact, I have met quite a few of them and as a result, it bothers me when women say that men are incapable of such a commitment. The problem is that finding that right connection is the tricky part. Two perfectly normal (whatever normal is) people could meet and both be looking for a commitment but simply not click or some part of the timing could be off. It's true, it happens all the time and unfortunately, I am very familiar with this scenario.
Nonetheless, as I mentioned, this lucky bachelor has had attention from numerous women and in his words, he has told me about the following five eligible bachelorettes:
Bachelorette #1 - She is a girl who added me as a favourite on an online dating website. Her interesting profile and dedication to singing in an upcoming musical prompted me to message her. We have met once and after seeing a link on my Facebook profile about the upcoming quest for love, she expressed interest in being part of my adventure. I will have my first date with her on October 2nd where, as per her invitation, she will be doing my makeup and helping me with my costume for Calgary's annual Zombie Walk.
Bachelorette #2 - I contacted her out of the blue on a dating site. I liked her articulate style of writing and it seemed that she knew what she wanted out of life and from a partner. We have not yet met in person; however, her pictures show an incredibly cute smile reflective of someone sweet and down to earth. She has invited me to an after party for Alberta Fashion Week on Oct 1st.
Bachelorette #3 - This quick witted, fiery red head can not only run intellectual circles around almost anyone she meets, but she's also very sexy to boot. She's compassionate, funny and adventurous. We have known each other for years, but have never dated due to poor timing. In the past, we have gone sky-diving and met rock stars - there is never a dull moment when we are together.
Bachelorette #4 - Of all places to meet, I met this lady at the post office. This lawyer was wearing a tight fitting suit; an outfit that I find to be particularly sexy on a woman. I wanted to talk to her but I couldn't think of a way to strike up a conversation. So, the first thing that came to mind was to throw my pen at her. She glanced up and the look on her face expressed, "Are you effing serious?" I then joked about being so clumsy that I usually wear a helmet when I'm out in public. She cracked a smile, we chatted and then exchanged numbers. We'll be getting together in the first week of October.
Bachelorette #5 - We have never met in person, but my first love, with whom I still share a special friendship, put us in touch. Apparently, we have just about everything in common including goals in life. But, just like anything, this will all boil down to chemistry.
So there you have it, the first five eligible ladies. I have to say that I'm impressed that these women are so open and willing to participate in this situation. To me, this shows strength, courage and great character. I hope that you are as eager as I am to see how this all unfolds.