Have you ever been deep in the woods and completely swarmed by bugs? You know, that annoying feeling where they are buzzing all over and no matter how much you swat them, they never go away?
Well, I feel that same way about relationships. Those little love bugs are everywhere and won't go away. They are kissing in the streets, holding hands at Starbucks, skipping around in the parking lot and overall, making me want to vomit in my mouth on a daily basis.
Am I jealous? Maybe. Am I lonely? Perhaps. But most of all, it's so irritating when these people in relationships make you feel like some kind of outcast because you don't have a significant other.
This has happened on so many occasions I don't even know where to begin. So what if I don't want to bring a date? Who cares if I'm the third, fifth or seventh wheel?
Yes, it can be trying at times but it's only worse when all the couples say things like, "Oh you will find someone soon," or, "It's alright to be single." How do they know?
I guess I went on this rant because I'm heading out of town this week end and I received an e-mail that read, "All of the couples get a bedroom and everyone else can take the couches and floor." So, are singles second class citizens? We don't deserve a bed or a room? Maybe I'm just being emotional and sensitive but I think it should all be fair game.
However, I guess that's not up to me to decide. Either way, even if I'm stuck on the hard, cold floor, I still think being single is pretty darn fantastic.
Seul on garde sa liberté, à deux on peut partager quelque chose. Ahah j'aime bien tes histoires "imagées", tu as de l'imagination! Je te raconte pas les nuits avec tous les moustiques en dormant dehors en 2008 au canada ou en 2009 en Suède et en Finlande!!! Y'en avait partout, aïe, bon week end