How could I resist a stop for coffee and internet? Impossible! It has been an epic few days full of biking, beaching and relaxing. I'm trying to get organized and figure out what I'm going to do next in life but there are just too many choices. Some people, myself included, may refer to this as a quarter life crisis. But how long can it last? This feeling of confusion and uncertainty has to go away at some point, right?
Well, I sure hope so because I can't just jump into my van and take off with my bikes whenever I feel that I need to sort things out. But, for now, it's brilliant.
I spent the first two days of my holidays mountain biking with friends. Since Monday I've been on my own road biking and relaxing on the beach. It's been a good opportunity to really sit down and think about the 50 Dates in 50 Days and how it affected me and what I've learned. I'm writing all of that in the book!
It's also been interesting to be totally alone for a few days. Last night, I parked my van on the side of a vineyard overlooking the city (Kelowna) and slept in the back of my van. It was brilliant; million dollar views for free.
I woke up and headed out for an epic road bike ride before stopping for this delicious coffee. The beach is waiting for me but I'd like to say that I highly recommend quality alone time like this. In our fast paced, rat race lives, it's sometimes difficult to escape, relax and evaluate what's going on.
I find that a lot of people in relationships rarely spend alone time because when they aren't at work or with friends, they are with their significant other. It's very easy to get into a comfortable situation and start to depend on another person. I have to say that there were moments where a co-pilot would have been nice on this trip; for example, to put sunscreen on my back or to read a map so I don't drive off the road while trying to drive and navigate simultaneously or especially for cuddling in the back of the van but really, it's been great. I'm glad I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and took off on this mini-adventure. If you ever get a chance, I highly recommend it!